Coloured contacts and circle lens are very common in Asian countries! A lot of people wear these daily in Asia and it’s becoming quite popular here in Canada too.
What are circle lens? Circle lens contain a black or brown ring (or circle) around the iris. This effect makes your eyes appear cuter, rounder and brighter. Circle lens can also be coloured lens as well. For example, you can have a grey coloured lens with a black circle around.
I had a brief stint back in 2012 with Acuvue purple lenses and I remember those feeling super uncomfortable and dry for me. However, coloured contacts have come along since 8 years ago so I hoped for the best!

I wear contacts very occasionally, perhaps a handful of times a year. I’ve tried to wear them in the past more often but my eyes are quite dry so they’re uncomfortable. My eyes seem to be okay if I wear dailies occasionally though.
With that being said, I never got into the coloured contacts or circle lens trend until my latest trip to Japan. Maki recommended Angelcolor so I kept my “eyes” out for this brand in Osaka! There are many contact lens booths and stores that sell these. However, I found it hard to find prescription ones. I had to go to many stores before finding one with my prescription.

There aren’t many (or any) stores in Vancouver or Canada that sell Japanese brands such as Angelcolor, so your best bet is to buy them online. Maki recommended Rakuten and the pricing is the exact same as in Japan.
The only thing is that you have to pay for shipping which is $20 ish dollars (they only offer express shipping hence why it’s pricier)

I chose the bambi series in the color almond. It is a brown contact with a black circle!

Here is a pic of me with them on. Appearance wise, I didn’t find these too dramatic or noticeable. I thought that the brown would slightly lighten my eye colour but it didn’t which was disappointing.
I would prefer something more noticeable so I would go lighter for my next order. It did give my eyes a rounder appearance which looked cute!

To be honest, I was a bit wary and doubtful that these circle lenses would work out for me because of how sensitive my eyes are to contacts.
I found these surprisingly comfortable to wear! They were very moisturizing and breathable. The circle lens themselves were very thin and light since they are dailies.

At some points throughout the day, I forgot I was wearing them because of how comfortable it was. Of course there were some moments where it felt uncomfortable so I made sure to always have eye drops with me but most of the time I couldn’t feel them.

I would recommend the Angelcolor brand for their 1 day contacts. There are so many circle lens brands out there that it is overwhelming to pick. But coming from someone who has dry eyes and can’t wear contacts for a long time, I was very happy with these and will be placing another order when I run out!