After spending some time at Aquariums West in Yaletown, I noticed that Shiny Tea in International Village was only a 10 minute walk away! It was the perfect, sunny Spring day for a walk so off we went.

Shiny Tea is another chain that has popped up recently and has great reviews. I honestly don’t know how all these new places compete with each other but I guess everyone just loves their bubble tea.

Shiny Tea is located on the second floor of Intentional Village. This mall is quite dull and quiet with the exception of Yokoyaya123 and the theatre, so Shiny Tea is a nice addition and probably gives the mall some more traffic.

It was completely dead when the boyfriend and I came, and the black pearls were still being cooked. But we didn’t mind getting the clear ones which were ready.

Honey longan red date tea: I had my eyes set on this drink for awhile now because it is caffeine and dairy free! I also really like date tea.
I really enjoyed my drink. It was light, refreshing, and pure. The honey and dates gave it a well rounded sweetness. There were bits of ground up lychee which were delicious and sweet too.

The clear pearls were smaller than the regular pearls. They were alright, nothing that special but a nice addition to the drink.

Brown sugar milk tea: After trying Onezo’s delicious brown sugar milk tea, the boyfriend wanted to compare. He found that Shiny Tea did not have much brown sugar flavour. It tasted like a regular milk tea instead of a brown sugar one.
I would love to come back to Shiny Tea! I appreciate the fact that they have a caffeine free menu section, which is very rare.