Hello fellow readers!
Ah, beauty tips. I love beauty tips and tricks, especially those that simplify a beauty routine or can improve the way you look and feel. Today, I’m taking it back a few steps and talking about 15 year old me. Fifteen year old me had just started to get into makeup and enjoyed countless hours pouring over the pages of Seventeen magazine (There were more teen magazines, but that was my favourite).

From Seventeen magazine, I read on a lot of tips but being so young, the words of wisdom that were shared with me were often tossed away or easily forgotten. Unless it was a major life-changing life hack, I didn’t really think much of it.
I’ve come a long way since then and am in my twenties now =) For privacy reasons, I don’t want to disclose my exact age here but trust me when I say, I’ve had my fair share of beauty mistakes! I thought of my top five and albeit embarrassing, I’d still love to share them with you all today so that hopefully you won’t make the same mistakes as I did at fifteen.
Here are some beauty tips I wish I knew at 15:
Drink lots of water.

Back in high school, I barely drank ANY water. Looking back, I’m not even sure how I survived because these days, I get headaches when I don’t feel hydrated enough. I remember bringing those plastic water bottles to school, and getting home only to see that only 2 sips had been taken the whole school day. Shudder…
These days, part of my daily routine is to drink a full glass of water when I wake up. I do this because it refreshes my body and also so I don’t start off my day with a possible headache due to dehydration.
In the beauty sense, think of drinking water as an internal moisturizer! Your skin is properly quenched from the inside out, which will radiant healthy and fresh looking skin on the outside. Without water, your skin becomes dehydrated and can start to look dull.
There are tons of moisturizers and makeup products that can instantly perk up your skin, but that is only skin deep. Drinking fresh water is very important if you want lasting results and great skin!
Combat pimples before they form.
Puberty was not kind to me. Puberty was especially not kind to my poor skin, and I started noticing that my skin type was always prone to breakouts and oiliness. My skin has gotten a lot better over the years, but I wouldn’t say I have perfect skin as I’ve mentioned numerous times on my blog.
One thing I used to do was spot treatments on pimples after I broke out. Now, when I feel a pimple forming, I apply either toothpaste (it really works) or spot treat Amie deep cleansing mask before going to sleep. Most of the time, the newly formed pimple will have disappeared or have shrunk. Of course, not every single pimple that you try this method on will work, but it’s better having one pimple than five =)
Here are some words to live by, not just beauty related: If you see a problem, try to combat it before it gets even worse. Apply this to your skincare regime and your breakouts won’t be as bad.
The miracle of face primers.
I don’t even know where to start with face primers, I wish I started using them sooner! Now, I don’t know what I would do without a face primer.
My face makeup has improved drastically since I incorporated the use of face primers into my makeup process. My absolute favourite is The Face Shop’s oil cut pore balm followed by the infamous Porefessional by Benefit. I like TFS one more because it’s a lot cheaper and comes with a lot more product for under $20, the Porefessional is a bit pricey for me.
Using an effective and good face primer will smooth out the look of your skin, and make it last longer as well. Yes, foundation can do that as well but when you do both together, they are an unstoppable team. Then, add a setting powder and your foundation will be flawless for hours =)
Importance of finding the right foundation shade.

Back in high school, I didn’t really care that much about finding the right foundation shade. I would just eyeball a bottle of foundation, and just hope that it matched. It also doesn’t really help that my washroom lighting isn’t the best. I just realized a few months ago, when I dug out an old foundation I used (right side). I was horrified at the shade because it was obviously too light for my face, or maybe my skin just got darker over the years?
I’m sure a lot of us do this by accident, I’ve sure seen it on people when I go out! I understand – we’re in a rush, and just want to quickly grab something off the shelf that works, who cares about the detail? This is why I recommend never buying foundation in a hurry.
Not sure what foundation shade is right for you? I discovered mine through Sephora colour IQ. If you’ve never heard of it, you go to any Sephora store where a rep will take three pictures of your skin with a small device. From there, you can also customize it by skin type, ingredients, and coverage type. That was how I found my Urban Decay Naked foundation, which remains to be my favourite foundation to this day.
Avoid mini eyebrow razor blades.

Eyebrow razor blades are the devil in the beauty world. At least to me, anyways. There was a brief period of time where I relied on these things because of how insanely cheap, convenient and fast it was to shape your eyebrows.
I stopped using them a couple of years ago because I hated the way my eyebrows grew out after I used it. Since you are just shaving the hair that is above the skin, it will grow back really quickly. To make things worse, it grows back very stubbly and rough! No bueno =(
*Warning- graphic blurb * Oh yeah, once the cap of the blade was stuck, so I had to pull really hard to get the cap off. It came off really suddenly after I applied a lot of force, and I sliced my thumb really badly. The cut was so deep that I thought I had to get stitches, it was so painful. That was seven years ago and I still have the stupid scar on my thumb. That incident literally scarred me for life and I’m very wary of these devilish eyebrow razors. UGH.The scar has gotten a lot smaller over the past 7 years, it used to be a lot deeper and extended out longer. =( You might not really be able to see it in the picture, you can open the photo in a separate window to see it better if you want.
Well, those are the top 5 beauty tips I wish I knew at 15. What are some tips that you would love to give your younger self? Share them with me in the comments down below!
Thanks for reading!
Um, I have never heard of eyebrow razor blades! What a bizarre concept. I would be so scared using them! X
I bought them at Daiso! A pack of 3 for only $2…. little did I know they were the devil in my beauty shelf! AHHH! LOL
Oh Hales, trust me when I say you are NOT missing out!