Mamalee is a restaurant I have heard of for many years now. They are most known for their Hainanese chicken. It seems like everyone in this world absolutely LOVES Hainanese chicken and goes crazy for it. I think I am the only person who thinks it is alright (I will be proven wrong as you’ll soon find out). Does that render me as a bad food blogger? Oops.

Mamalee has one of the best Hainanese chicken in the city apparently. Whenever I hear or see posts on Hainanese chicken, Mamalee is always the top recommendation. There are usually line ups but due to the pandemic, they are only doing take out currently.
Anyways, I don’t normally get a craving for Hainanese chicken, hence why I haven’t tried this place until now, when I found myself in the area. My expectations were very high because of how raved after this place is is!

Hainanese chicken with rice: Maybe I always found Hainanese chicken to be only alright because I haven’t had the good stuff before, aka Mamalee.
The chicken was so juicy, flavourful and silky. After having the Hainanese chicken at Mamalee, I am a bigger fan of it than I used to be. I haven’t had Hainanese chicken this good before.
In addition, the chicken oil rice was delicious as well. The rice was cooked in chicken oil, giving it rich flavour.
I’m glad I finally tried Mamalee because I now have a new found appreciation for Hainanese chicken. I would come back for more delicious and silky chicken, and the fragrant chicken oil rice if I was in this area.