Yay! Halloween is just around the corner again! I am a bit crazy over costumes because I like to think about them months in advance. In fact, I might actually already think what I’ll be the NEXT year on November 1st!
Although I love costumes and themed events, I am also terrible at DIY, drawing, arts/crafts, and can barely thread a needle. I’ve been wanting to brush up on my sewing skills and maybe take a beginners course somewhere, but haven’t had the time to yet.
Anyway, for Halloween this year, the boyfriend and I have decided to be… SUSHI!!! We seriously LOVE sushi and it is one of foods I can still eat without having a bad reaction.

Well, I’m going to be a salmon nigiri, but the boyfriend will be a sushi chef. He actually worked as a sushi chef last year in between school (long story). From that job, he’s become really good at making rolls and very knowledgeable in sashimi prep and taste.
I will first start off with the salmon sashimi costume!
MATERIALS NEEDED FOR SUSHI (Wasabi headband part after):
- Hot glue gun
- Fluffy pillow
- Orange pillowcase OR orange fabric to make the pillowcase – approx 1 square meter
- White felt
- Safety pins – approx 10 (optional if you are planning on sewing your pillow case)
- White shirt
- A long strip of black fabric approx. 5 inches/12 cm height. Width is depending on your hip size, but it will have to wrap around your body 1.5 times.
1) Put orange fabric around pillow. (Skip if you already have a pillowcase) Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any orange pillowcases so I bought a meter of a random orange fabric at the fabric store. Here is Benji being curious and wondering if there are pellets hidden.
Spread out the fabric and put the pillow in the center. Test out how you’d like to wrap the pillow. I treated mine as if it was a present I needed to wrap.
2) Pin together the fabric. If you have a pillow case, simply pin together the opening. You can also use a hot glue gun for this.
Or, if you know how to sew, just sew it together (Keep in mind this tutorial is for those who can’t sew, so be nice!)
3) Get your white felt and using a ruler, draw equal lines to make the strip. Having lines will make it easier for you to cut the felt evenly.
4) Use the hot glue gun to glue the white strips! You may choose to position them in a V shape like me, or just diagonally.
5) Wear a white shirt. You will be the nigiri rice!
6) Use the black fabric or black belt to wrap the pillow on your back. You may also choose to safety the top part of the pillow to the tshirt for more reinforcement.
7) Done!
- Green loofah
- Pink fabric
- Scissors
- Hot glue gun
- Headband (one that matches your hair colour or green, pink)
1) Cut up the pink fabric to 5×1 inch rectangles. It is up to you how many, I chose to do 5 slices of ginger.
2) Glue one end of the strip to the headband w/ hot glue gun, starting from either the left or right.
3) Continue gluing the strips, with each one half overlapping the other. The idea is to glue halfway of the headband. You don’t want it all across or that looks kinda weird and not cute.
4) Glue the green loofah towards the side, on top of the pink fabric.
AND DONEEEE! Unfortunately, I don’t have any pictures wearing it as Halloween is still almost about 2 weeks away. I still need to find a white shirt to wear, hoping to find a 3/4 sleeve one so I won’t be that cold. As well, I need to safety pin the pillow to said shirt for more reinforcement.
But I will DEFINITELY update this post with a picture once I find that! I just wanted to post this before Halloween incase you’re looking for ideas and instructions.
As a bonus, you could paint your nails as salmon nigiri too! I used a mix of triangle and diagonally striped sashimi here!
Edit: Us on Halloween with the costume! The boyfriend bought a sushi chef apron off Amazon, and we went to Daiso for the sushi chef hat. It’s actually a decorative towel but it worked as a headband too!
Happy costuming!!!
Wow! Looks great!
That is going to be SOOO cuuttee!! I don’t have any craft materials at home so it would be quite the starters kit haha. Also I NEVER have any costumes and I don’t have any ideas for this year, whoops. Can’t wait to see how it looks on!
Raincouver Beauty
Hehe thanks Angela! I don’t have craft materials either, just a glue gun. Everything else I bought just for the costume 🙂
Oh that’s so so cute. The headband! I love how Benji is just chilling there all cute and wanting to get involved!
Haha thank you! He thought I had treats for him… always greedy for pellets!
So cute! Can’t wait to see you wear it! 🙂
Hehe thanks girl 🙂 Thanks for your help and input too!