I love Trader Joes food products. A few months ago, I went through a phase of going crazy over their food products, because it was so good and (mostly) healthy!
Unfortunately, the closest Trader Joes to where I live is in the country next to me, so I can’t simply stop by when I have free time. Anyways, the last time I went to Trader Joes a few months ago, I was strolling down the aisles and saw that they sold body wash. Needless to say, curiosity got the best of me and I ended up buying it. I think it was around $5-6 USD.
The description on the label made it sound super awesome, so I was very excited. “The pure aroma of sweet orange, succulent grapefruit, tangy tangerine, and luscious lemon refreshes the body and smoothes the mind.” is what the first line read.
However, I think they over-exaggerated with the description. The scent of the body wash isn’t that strong, contrary to what it says on their label. After taking a shower, I was a bit disappointed because I couldn’t smell much of the body wash on my skin.
Since I was disappointed with what little scent it had, I started to neglect it and left it sitting in my shower over the past months. I recently decided to give it another chance, which is why I am writing this review now. It says that you can also use this as shampoo, so I decided to give it a try. As a shampoo, it worked a lot better and formed a great lather, even with a small amount.
But I would suggest using a lot of conditioner since this doesn’t really moisturize your hair. I felt that my hair was drier than normal afterwards (didn’t use conditioner to test this out).
Anyway, needless to say, this body wash is pretty average, so don’t let their description deceive you, like what it did to me. I think if I didn’t read the description, I would have liked it a lot more, but I did have high expectations for this product. I should also mention that there are a lot of quality ingredients in this body wash, if you look at the picture above. (botannical water extracts of chamomile, ginseng, lemon grass, sage, essential grapefruit/tangerine oil, vitamin b5, vitamin c, vitamin e, vitamin a) ^ I’m not sure if I would buy it again.
-Good price
-Has a light citrus scent
-A tiny amount produces a lot of lather
-Quality ingredients, not just your usual body wash ingredients
-Cruelty free, no animal testing, biodegradable bottle
-Durable bottle
-Can’t smell the scent before purchasing; bottle is sealed
-Description is deceiving
-Says it is “aroma-therapeutic” but didn’t have any effect on me
What else did I get at Trader Joes? On a side note, if anyone reading this is going down to the states and wants to get me some TJ cookie butter, let me know and I’ll pay you back Hope you enjoyed the review!